Sunday, 2 June 2013


Spirituality should be part and parcel of our lives.It should be started from the mother's womb.So,one need not feel that its not the age for spirituality.We see many births and deaths.We understood that everyone has to die when it comes.Elders say that births and deaths are a cycle that repeats from millions of years.Here question arises from where we are coming and to where we are going.Saints say that we came from our real home and stuck in the cycle of births and deaths.If we go to relatives house,however lavish and luxurious it is;we are anxious of going back home.In such a way our soul wishes to return to the Devine .And the real goal should be to go back to our real Home.Spirituality is nothing but the return journey towards God.
In search of God, we need not neglect our materialistic life.For physical goals,we need not leave the spiritual life.Just like a bird balances both the wings, we have to balance our physical and spiritual lives.Westerns neglected spiritual lives to dwell in joys and pleasures.Eastern people left the families and went to the forest in search of God.Masters says,neither East nor West people reached their goals because of their imbalance.
Spirituality is not related to any particular religion.Where religion ends there spirituality starts.One should grow to a broad perspective from narrow boundaries of religion.Religion devides people whereas spirituality unites people.Spirituality says all are one and we are all from one.Through spirituality we can achieve Universalisation/Globalisation.Whereas religion leads to conflicts.
We can bring oneness through spirituality;whereas religion limits to my religion,your religion and their religion.

God is within us and He is everywhere.When you believe that God is in you,then you should agree that God is in everyone as He is everywhere.When you see God in everyone there is no chance for conflicts.Through spirituality,we can achieve world peace.Not only for your inner Self, for the world's wellbeing the entire world should walk towards spirituality.


  1. Ya true and nice one for the present generation to follow in their lives.
